Energiepodium.nl is an opinion platform where prominent experts from politics, government, the market, ngo's, and science engage in discussions about the energy transition. This fulfills a crucial need for stakeholders in the energy sector for substantive, fact-based dialogue on energy and climate.
The portal provides opinions, interviews, news, and background information, offering a platform for dialogue aimed at improving the quality of the discourse. Energiepodium is a valuable source of information for key players in the energy and climate field.
In addition to Energiepodium, there are regular high-level discussion meetings featuring top speakers, along with the annual Energiepodium Debate designed for a broader audience of decision-makers in the sector.
Energiepodium wordt mogelijk gemaakt door hoofdpartner EBN en de samenwerkingspartners ElementNL, PwC, en bp Nederland. PACT is beheerder van de portal, verzorgt de redactie en organiseert alle bijeenkomsten in samenwerking met de partners.
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